Stepping Up calls for social change in Australia to meet the growth needs of business and industry. It calls for changes that will help increase cultural diversity and gender equality to raise workforce participation to full capacity, boosting productivity and GDP. At the same time this would improve the nation's capability to work more effectively across Asia.
Allowing both genders and all cultures to share in the leadership and decision-making of government, business and society could make us leaders, not followers, in the world...and deliver prosperity to our people. This book was written for people in society who want to help build a progressive, globally competitive nation; for business leaders who want to attract great people and skills and stimulate innovation; and for anyone eager to get more involved with fast-growing Asian nations.
The book reports the views of 100 leaders including: Ann Sherry AO / Carol Schwartz AM / Catherine Livingstone AO / Catriona Noble / Dr Charlie Teo AM / Craig Drummond / David Gonski AC / Diane Grady AM / Prof Fred Hilmer AO / Dr Geoff Raby / Giam Swiegers / Graham Bradley AM / Hugh Mackay / Ilana Atlas / James MacKenzie / Jane Hemstritch / Jillian Segal AM / Joanne Wood / John Denton / Prof Julianne Schultz AM / Julie Coates / Katie Lahey / Kevin McCann / Mike Smith OBE / Nigel Garrard / Paul Waterman / Phil Ruthven / Dr Robert Care AM / Robert Milliner / Shirley In’t Veld / Sid Myer AM / Stephen Roberts / Uschi Schreiber
Big Stories
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Stepping Up is packed full of personal stories, case studies, logic and argument, including:
the economic and social arguments for diversity to boost workforce participation and productivity
explanation of how greater cultural diversity and gender equality can facilitate growth
the author's own story about how she discovered diversity and faced her own biases
research findings from 100 leaders from 26 industries and 16 cities across Australia and Asia
case studies of Woolworths, McDonalds and Ernst & Young illustrating the impact of company culture
3 personal stories by women about workplace discrimination they experienced
3 personal stories by men about balancing work and life to support their career wives
2 personal success stories by people with Asian cultural heritage
2 personal stories about leadership
anecdotes from around the world about culture change in individuals, companies and countries
a review of recent reports by Asialink and the Labor Government of Australia on growing through Asia
frameworks for sustainably changing cultures to build diversity
a call for action: a private-public partnership to lead social change
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Stepping Up It's for leaders in business and society who are looking to increase productivity and achieve growth in the Asian Century. By building greater diversity in society and the workplace we can unlock productivity potential that is lying dormant.
Allowing both genders and people of all cultures who live in Australia to fully participate in the workplace will enable us to increase social cohesion, stimulate innovation, boost productivity, raise income levels and thereby improve individual net worth and GDP.
Realising full participation requires that everyone has the same opportunity to be appointed to positions that reflect their skills and experience, reach the level that reflects their performance and capability and be free to climb up the ladder unencumbered without bumping their heads on the glass or bamboo ceilings.
Stepping Uppresents economic and social arguments for greater diversity and how the culture changes needed to achieve it are the same changes that would help to boost the growth of our industries and communities. Australia’s future and the future prosperity of its people is reliant upon us keeping our nation at the forefront of Western nations and taking advantage of our proximity to, and engagement with, the fastest-growing region of the world.
Stepping Upchallenges and empowers leaders to drive culture change to achieve gender and cultural diversity and enable growth. It questions our success at assimilating immigrants and supporting them to build productive careers, at welcoming home expatriates who have been away to gain valuable international experience, and at creating equitable working environments where females can develop and ascend the organisation on merit in the same way as men.
The facts are that relative to many of our global trading partners Australia is challenged by much of this. Australia needs its political leaders and leaders of business and society to collaborate, create a shared vision that will inspire the people of Australia to follow and lead us in culture change to join the more progressive societies of the world.
In this book we look at how greater diversity in society and the workplace requires culture change in the groups we belong to that shape our attitudes and behaviours. We take an in-depth look at three main cultures – country culture, organisation culture and your own culture. We also take a brief look at other cultures that impact us at home and at work such as sports clubs, communities, associations, chambers, universities, schools and places of worship.
This book raises awareness of opportunities and possibilities; provides insight into current issues through the voices of 100 leaders interviewed from across Australia and Asia; and presents readers with culture-change solutions to shift attitudes and adjust behaviours that limit our performance. The voices of the 100 leaders interviewed reflect strong consensus on many key issues and confirm the call for action. At the same time there is some disagreement amongst the leaders, which highlights the disparate nature of our society.
The scope of Stepping Up is broad, from leading cultural change to increasing national diversity and advancing Australia’s productivity and growth in Asia. It includes discussion about things that impact these ambitions, such as the Australian culture and its values, skills shortages, gender roles and education, women on boards and quotas, multiculturalism and immigrant integration. It also discusses where we should look for leadership on diversity and the pluses and minuses of being an island nation.
Stepping Upprovides readers with inspiration, knowledge and motivation to lead change in their community, company, club or clan to help make Australia a more diverse, highly productive and regionally connected country. The potential is enormous.
If you would like to be part of the nationwide community of people who are leading the way to our future, please share your thoughts, initiatives and change projects on this website. I would also welcome your feedback on the ideas and opinions presented in this book.
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Part One: The Power of Diversity
Chapter 1 – Taking the Mantle
Leaders, step forward please Economic and social gains It’s time for change Acceptance and inclusion boosts participation Full participation boosts productivity Clarifying ‘full participation’ Culture: A blocker or enabler? The Culture Iceberg The Culture Circuit Leadership and followship 100 leaders contribute Approach to reading Stepping Up A rich collection of views Navigate your way
Chapter 2 – Listening 100 leaders share their stories Key research themes Can Australia grow through Asia? Impact of Australia’s culture on growth Cultural diversity and the opportunities Gender diversity and the opportunities Future development of Australian society Where to from here?
Chapter 3 – Discovering Diversity
Leaving home Experiencing a new culture in Asia Total immersion in Asia At work in cross-cultural Europe Contrasting cultures across the globe Returning ‘home’ to Australia An ‘immigrant’s’ view It’s time to help with diversity The journey ahead
Part Two: The Issues Impacting Growth
Chapter 4 – The Asian Opportunity
Asking 100 leaders about Asia Opportunities for business in Asia Australians abroad in Asia Asian languages and culture Shaping up for success Australia, a world view Asian people in Australia 2012, a year of bold plans Key messages about Asia No doubt: we need to act now
Chapter 5 – The Australian Opportunity
Australia’s customs and traditions Without direction cultures can drift Exploring Australian culture What’s fabulous about Australian culture? What‘s not so fabulous? What are Australia’s core values? What attitudes do people hold? What do our behaviours convey? What cultural challenges need addressing? Key messages about Australian culture
Chapter 6 – Cultural Diversity
First in, first served Some sectors, certain conditions Language-learning chronically undervalued Break through behavioural barriers Cultural diversity in Australia Integration or ‘embracing difference’? Two encouraging personal stories Key messages about cultural diversity
Chapter 7 – Gender Equality
Hope is not a method Australia’s relative position on gender More women, better performance 100 leaders’ gender perspectives What do you think about women on boards? What do you think about having quotas? How well are women supporting gender equality? What about gender roles, mentoring and education? What does gender bias look like? What issues do we need to address? What opportunities are there to consider? What strategies have you employed? What advice do you have for others? Three stories: discrimination, sexual advances and bullying Key messages about gender diversity from 100 leaders Why so little change? Let’s rethink gender roles and games Quicken the pace with mixed-gender teams The elephant in the room Need for cultural change Beyond delusions and myths are courage and pride
Part Three: Changing Cultures
Chapter 8 – How Cultures Operate
Defining culture Elusive culture Changing culture is the hard stuff The Culture Iceberg Language in culture Culture blind spots The Culture Circuit Culture Zones How to unlearn behaviours Sustaining change: Making diversity stick
Chapter 9 – Redirecting your Country Culture
Country culture dominates Strong characters can impact country cultures Norway shifts assumptions How country cultures form and operate Challenging elements of Australian culture Outside influences on performance How do we evolve Australia’s country culture? How can you contribute to change?
Chapter 10 – Redirecting your Individual Culture
Influences on your own culture Proving assumptions wrong Identifying assumptions How you can shift assumptions Being open to changing assumptions Three men adjust their Icebergs Be the leader that will honour you
Chapter 11 – Organisation Culture
Leaders deliver gender diversity Evolved cultures foster women-in-operations Woolworths: Sponsoring women to grow business McDonald’s: No barriers, no limits Ernst & Young: A conscious redirection Professional service firms’ cultures Organisations and the Culture Iceberg Organisation Culture: Contrasting your culture with another
Part Four: Leaders and Society
Chapter 12 – Who should lead? Many good ideas Who should lead on diversity in society? Who should lead on diversity in business? Who should follow? Is Australia ready for change? Leading culture change Australia in the Asian Century
"The thing the sixties did was to show us the possibilities and the responsibility that we all had. It wasn’t the answer. It just gave us a glimpse of the possibility." John Lennon, (1940-1980) English musician, singer-songwriter with The Beatles