Transformative Change
Unlocking Potential, Unleashing the Winner
It's a new year - the start of a new race.
You have set the goals, mapped out your strategy and identified the culture you need to deliver it. Now you're ready to drive the changes needed to succeed. |
What is Transformative Change?
Transformation is a major change to 'the way you do business'
that 'positively impacts performance' and is 'sustainable' Our unique method begins with your strategy and checks culture alignment before we design and commence transformation. Many organisations skip step two. They hop from strategy formulation to a process-driven transformation to upgrade technology, develop service deliver systems, or set up innovation hubs and incubators. Too few organisations invest sufficiently in understanding their layers of their culture and aligning them to deliver improved performance which is why their efforts fail. Nine out or every 10 failures we see are the result of superficial cultural adjustments, that don't impact hidden assumptions, which hold old beliefs in place. Leaders who miss step two call us when behaviours revert to type and the band-aids fall off the quick fixes. Let's avoid the waste and disappointment; let's start a conversation now. |
Why Transformative Change?
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Transformational change is often associated with a 'jolt' on the growth curve, that causes a major business disruption, requiring a Board and CEO to rethink their strategy, direction and goals. Jolts are usually unexpected and often hurt. They can arise internally or externally, and they can be planned or unplanned. Mitigating Risk In our work with clients we aim to anticipate the likely jolts on the organisation's growth curve and where possible, seek to mitigate the risk. Based on our global experience working in this field across many industries, we are better placed than most to anticipate internal disruptions, and some external ones too. Being forewarned means you can be forearmed and this it good for employees and investors. Planning to avoid the next jolt that can create business interruption is always part of our work. Decisive, Calm Action - When a business gets a 'wake-up-call' arising from the jolt, it needs to get into action quickly and calmly. In our strategy work, our culture work and our change work we are constantly preparing clients and their people for the next 'jolt' by building resilience and adaptability into everything we do. |
Internal versus External Disruption
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Vertical Divider
External market disruptions include those seen on the graph to the left - the share market crash of 1987, the GFC of 2008, and the pandemic of 2020. These disruptions take people by surprise and few business are sufficiently protected against them. Markets crash, jobs are lost and major business transformation is require to adjust to the new order.
The change required in response to unexpected catastrophic events is generally transformative in nature, radical in impact, and leaders need to shift organisation culture to get people to buy-in to the change and make it sustainable. If you fail to adapt your culture to the new assumptions underlying the new world order you will experience internal tension, and decline, as people struggle with the behavioural change required. Our work supports clients to expedite their revival. |
Industries in which we have led major
transformational change programs, locally and globally, include:
transformational change programs, locally and globally, include:
Insurance Loss Adjusting Actuarial Consulting Legal Accounting Medical |
Engineering & Project Management IT and Communications Media Recruitment Industry Associations Local government Other |